.: Yaesu FT-2000
Yaesu FT-2000

Yaesu FT-2000 is one complex piece of ham gear. It seems that there is a real
love/hate divide with this rig among hae Yaesu FT-2000 is one complex piece of
ham gear. It seems that there is a real love/hate divide with this rig among
especially regarding the
receiver performance. It is very daunting, there are about 100 different buttons
and knobs on the front panel alone. (Compare that with only 17 on the front
panel of a 1980 vintage Kenwood TS-120S!) On top of the dizzying array of front
panel buttons and knobs , there are also about 150 different menu options hidden
behind the MENU button. This radio is NOT for the casual "appliance" operator,
which is what seems to get a lot of people in trouble with it. I still have not
mastered all this radio will do, and I probably will never will.
Here is a page with how I have
the FT-2000 menu options set, and the macros for the Digital Voice Recorder
(DVR) set in the N1MM logging software.
I have
had no real problems with mine (a very clean 2007 vintage) , which was bought
from an estate re-seller on E-Bay. It alrhave had no real problems with mine (a
very clean 2007 vintage) , which was bought from an estate re-seller on E-Bay.
It already came equipped with the optional 300
Hz CW Collins Mechanical filter, much to my surprise when I opened the lid up. I
joined the FT-2000 Users Group on Yahoo and that has been a big help to me, but
I have made one minor hardware modification to the radio.
The FT-2000 has provisions for two separate transmit/receive
antennas, plus a separate receive only antenna. I feed the selection of HF
antennas into ANT1, the 6 meter yagi is tied to ANT2, and the Beverage is
connected to the RX port. Some people have reported front end damage (blown FET
amps) from close transmit antennas on ANT1 overloading the other ANT2 and RX
antenna ports. Since ANT2 is shorted to ground when ANT1 is activated, I can't
see where the problem is there. The auxiliary RX port though, is another matter.
As a precaution, I added a couple of 1N4148 small signal diodes, cathode to
anode and anode to cathode, across the RX antenna jack to essentially limit
signals to less than 0.7V. The mod is VERY easy to do once the top lid is
removed, as you can see below:
