.: Antennas

Here is the current antenna farm:
2 meters-
Diamond X-50 co-linear
@ 30 ft (9,1 m)
South Tower (Main tower)
10/12/15/18/20 meters-
SteppIR three element yagi at 50 ft (18,3 m). Rotator is
an Alliance HD-73
40 meters- Two element Hygain 402BA yagi @ 60 feet.
Three full wave
40 meter slopers, SE (US/SA), SW (Pacific) and NE (EU), switched by an Ameritron RC-4
remote coax switch
80 meters-
1/2 wave inverted vee,
apex at 50 feet (15,2 m), facing E/W, and a 1/4 wave sloper
pointing East (USA/SA)
160 meters-
1/4 wave
slopers, facing SE (US/SA), SW (Pacific), and NE (EU)
North Tower (Mult tower)
10/15/20 meters-
HyGain TH3 MK2 Yagi at 40 feet. Rotator is an Alliance HD-73.
Horizontal delta loop -
off the South tower, 535 foot diameter, approximately 60 feet (18,3 m) high, used for 20
meters - 160 meters as
needed. Fed with 450 ohm ladder line to a 4:1 balun, then coax to shack. This
antenna and has a low SWR on 20, 40 and 15 meters without a tuner!
Low Band Receive-
DX Engineering dual directional 360 foot
(109,7 m) Beverage oriented due North/South, used on 40/80/160 meters , six feet (1,8
m) off the ground.
Follow this link
for more information on our Beverage antenna.
Noise Antennas- Fence mounted
HyGain 14-AVQ vertical (near a power pole with our service line), and a very steep inverted vee off the North Tower.
These feed the Noise canceller.
Antenna switching is with an
Array Solutions Six pak, (6 antennas into 2 radios), with the second radio
input selectable between Station #2, the Boatanchor station, and the lab